I've had a few requests for additional information about my community, so I thought I'd start out with some pictures. These did not turn out as clearly as I could have hoped. I took them in the early evening, and I think my camera was a bit confused about the lighting. Still, they'll give you a sense of the place.
The first house you encounter is the old farmhouse, which has been around since the 1800's.
A sweet place that's been well cared for. A warning: if you only like traditional-looking homes, just stop here and read no further!
You dare to continue? The rest of the homes are architectural experiments, built mostly in the '50's and '60's.
Here's the one across from the farmhouse (partially obscured by a badminton net, but don't let that distract you!
This one, nestled back in the woods, has been built in stages over the years.
Next you encounter...my studio! Another view:
And then there's the Lower Square, which consists of four houses;
this one (two views, the second also showing "the Dome", which is one of the studios):
the second house in the lower square (front and back, the back being the view from my house):
the third house (there's a lot of construction going on in this one, so I got the only view I could which didn't contain building materials!):
and finally, my house:
Thought I'd take a couple of pictures inside, although you're only invited in if you promise not to comment on any mess or dirt you might see! The camera flash managed to exacerbate certain areas that look perfectly respectable in person. Here's our winding staircase,
and the view out the back.
One final picture for this entry:
Here's the view from the third Lower Square house I showed you, up toward the Upper Square, which I'll explore in my next entry.
Are you getting a sense of why I love this place?